On Saturday the Cranleigh Cross Country team entered the Surrey 10K Charity race. The race was run in aid of three Surrey charities; Oakleaf, Cranleigh RDA and Jigsaw. The route followed the Canal path from Stoke Park, and then across National Trust land to finish by Guildford Spectrum. Outstanding performances from Aidan Steele and Ben Strickland saw them finish in second and third place with times of 39.58 and 40.41 respectively.
In the women’s category Jess Robinson won the race with a time of 45.34 and Olivia Chesser, after appearing in ‘Les Miserables’ all week, finished third with 47.07. All of the Cranleigh runners completed the course, including Andrew Griffiths with a very respectable time of 50.58, to finish fourth in the over 50’s category. Well done to all!
Sam Cooke
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