East House Entertain

The East House Play – with members of South – filled the VCT with raucous laughter, giving the audience an experience to…

cranleigh-east-house-play-_cabin-pressure-and-other-sketches_-9766_33953The East House Play – with members of South – filled the VCT with raucous laughter, giving the audience an experience to remember. The whole play was slick and clearly well-rehearsed, which must be attributed not only to the commitment of the actors, who put on the great comedy sketches of ‘Cabin Pressure’ and ‘Great, Great Britain’, but also to the incandescent directing from Ted Walliker and Adam Forrester who also appeared on stage. By the end of the evening the audience had encountered everything from an extravaganza taking place inside a cabin on a short visit to Qikiqtarjuaq, pulled together exquisitely by the likes of Ted himself (as Douglas), pedantic Canadian supervisor Nancy Dean- Liebhart, played with a remarkable accent by Rosiecranleigh-east-house-play-_cabin-pressure-and-other-sketches_-9649_33941 Forster and topped off by the energetic and uproarious performances of Seb Friedrich, Ellie Williamson, Freddie Coates and Aimee Williamson. We were also encapsulated by the actors rendition of ‘Great, Great Britain’ where they succeeded (in the most entertaining way) in capturing the essence of 21st century Britishness. There were some outstanding comical performances from Luke Sterry and Harry Horstead, taking on a commentating scene originally performed by the much loved British comedy legends Steven Fry & Hugh Laurie, along with classic material from the Two Ronnies executed flawlessly by Oli Sharpe and Lottie Cunningham. Credit should also be given to the performance by Zac Long as a Northern presenter of the comical gameshow, ‘Don’t be Dirty’, with outstanding supporting roles from the contestants, Harry Cripp and Honor Reid, who were both great examples of upcoming young talent in the school. Joe Howell and Tom Hollidge, as the barman and euphemism provider, did a great job incranleigh-east-house-play-_cabin-pressure-and-other-sketches_-9742_33951 their rendition of ‘Bottle Job’, while Adam Forrester showed great characterisation and comic timing in ‘Funeral Parlour’ with Ali Frost as the indulgent, mourning widow. All in all, the sketches permeated an hour packed with energy and laughter for a very attentive audience.

Ben Claxton
Loveday UVIth

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