Riding Out of Lockdown

Cranleigh and Cranleigh Prep riders have kept themselves and their horses fit during the enforced break from competitions and it has proved…

Cranleigh and Cranleigh Prep riders have kept themselves and their horses fit during the enforced break from competitions and it has proved worth their efforts as national equestrian sport resumes in England.

We competed in an on-line NSEA National Dressage qualifier, with the team just out of the qualifying places in fifth, but with huge success for Darcy Blaze M., individually. A win in the Novice section, with a score of over 80%, a 2nd in the Prelim and a 3rd in the Elementary section, at her first attempt at this level, means she has qualified for the National Championships at all three levels. In addition she was out at her first British Dressage event last week and took a win and a second place there too.

In the final event before lockdown we did qualify a dressage team at a regional qualifier at Pyecombe, and as well as winning the dressage, we were also successful in the Arena Eventing, qualifying teams and individuals at all heights.

This last weekend saw the resumption of British Eventing and the Cranleigh riders were out in full. A top ten placing in the Novice section for Lila M., Josh M. eventing his new horse, Lucy Le M. making her British Eventing debut, Issy H. enjoying a double clear in the jumping phases and Darcy Z. blowing away the cobwebs too, meant happy riders who were just pleased to be out and competing, even with the inevitable restrictions in place.

In Czechoslovakia, riding resumed at the end of June: Kristy V. won a major class before Annie V. won the country’s National Junior Jumping Cup. Closer to home Madeleine R. has also been out doing dressage and been back in the show ring, Jess E. stepped up a level in a combined training competition and Tara M. took her pony eventing for the first time in a BE training event.

At the end of term the riding cups were awarded to Issy H. (Senior) and Bella W. and Rory S. (Junior) in recognition of their contribution to all School riding events over the last year.

Fingers crossed we have lots to look forward to in the weeks and months ahead.

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