11 Brigade hosted the Cadet Target Rifle competition over the weekend 13/14 May. The competition included School Cadets Corps and Community Cadets from the South of England. Due to school commitments our team of four and one marker attended the Sunday straight into the competition. Saturday gave Cadets a chance to practice and zero rifles. The team consisted of Will G., Alex S., Felix L. and Ozzy L. whilst Hugo L. was in the butts marking for other teams.
The format was shooting two sighting shots with seven to count at 300 and 500 meters, finishing with a two and ten at 600 meters. Cadets use open, iron sights and have to take into consideration elevation and at times some tricky wind.
Notable success was from Alex S. who scored 30.1 at 500m and could have come 3rd overall. He needed a four with his last shot at 600, which he got. However, after what looked like a solid shot the target did not go down. I gave a message four over the radio for the markers to check. The target went down and they reported no shot-on target. Just as I was about to argue there must be a mistake, the marker next to us reported there were two shots on theirs. A valuable lesson learned.
I am delighted to report that the team came third, it’s amazing to think that three years ago Cranleigh didn’t have a team. We look forward to our match against the Old Cranleighans as a final warm up before Bisley Schools in the summer. Very well-done team, special thanks go to Hugo for coming along to mark and huge appreciation to Mrs Taylor for giving up her Sunday to ensure we were all organised with limited “faffing”.
Major Julian Money, Master of Shooting
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