On Wednesday 14th November, The Cranleigh and St Joseph’s School Interact Club ( sponsored by the Rotary Club of Cranleigh) welcomed Jeremy Heath, from Water Aid, who gave a fascinating presentation about the work his organisation has been doing to help communities in some of the poorest parts of Bangladesh. He explained how Water Aid works alongside communities with no clean water or sanitation to help them to gain access to fresh water and build toilet blocks. The difference this makes to the health and well being of all the families who live in these communities is immense.
It gave the pupils great pleasure to be able to present Jeremy with a cheque for £500 that was raised by the group last year, though fundraising projects such as ‘Any Shoe Day’, doughnut sales, and selling ‘Water Aid ‘ wristbands. The cheque was presented by Club President, Sophia Ambrose at the end of the presentation. It was very satisfying to see exactly how the money they have worked so hard to raise was actually going to be used.
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