Cranleigh School CCF was assigned to Warcop, in Cumbria, for its annual camp. Despite the long journey up the M6 the mixed group of fifteen cadets was keen to get going and put into practice what had been learnt over the last year – skills and drills for the juniors, leadership and organisation for the se
This was an exceptionally good camp in which all the cadets showed real determination to get as much out of the week as possible, throwing themselves into all the activities with huge enthusiasm, despite the oppressive heat. Positive comments were received from nearly all the staff and, though there was no formal competition this year, Cranleigh was able to claim the unofficial first place on numerous stands.
Activities were varied and very imaginative, allowing all our cadets to expand their knowledge and implement their training. A platoon attack on the first day refreshed basic infantry tactics. This was followed by first aid training and an afternoon on the range, with a gruesomely realistic car crash scenario in the evening, serving as an assessment giving all the cadets a first aid qualification. An urban clearance exercise (“Cadet COD” for those into screens and video games) was hugely enjoyed on the third day, though the mosquitoes in the woods used for the subsequent ambush gave rise to significant irritation. A day kayaking and gorge scrambling gave a cooling break in the middle of the week.
The Royal Engineers then ran an excellent watermanship day, giving the cadets a chance to drive rigid-hull boats with outboards and compare them to their own, rather hastily constructed, rafts. This was paired up with a session on the structure and organisation of the British Army and an opportunity to handle some foreign weapons. The final day saw us racing over the Assault Course and then concluding proceedings with a Navigation and Orienteering exercise.
A really packed week with all activities carried out in glorious heat wave conditions and superb scenery. All the cadets did superbly but especial mention should go to Ellie Morgan, Hugh Phelps, Angus Young and Anna Forrester for their leadership and care of the juniors.
Thanks as ever go to GGB, SLW and RGL for their help in making everything run so smoothly and ensuring that once again Cranleigh really is the best.
Maj SAH Young
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