On Monday 23rd January, UVIth pupils and parents attended two PSHEE lectures about mental health and wellbeing given by Dick Moore. It was clear to all the relevance and importance of Dick’s message. This was the second time Dick has spoken at Cranleigh, but the first to parents, and he will hopefully become a key part of our parental talks in years to come.
Dick uses his own story as a narrative within which to deliver striking messages about self-knowledge and self-care and about the vital importance of seeking help. Dick’s experience in boarding, including being a prep school head, and his understanding of young people, was clear in every aspect of his presentations. He was able to give both pupils and parents some long lasting advice and I am sure this talk will have impacts on many for years to come.
Dick ended both talks with the message “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain”. His message is one of hope and understanding for those facing difficulties and for those needing advice.
Dick is an Old Cranleighan and a former Housemaster of North; he is currently an Associate Trainer for the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust. More details about Dick can be found here.
Alex Forsdike
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