Pupils are celebrating another successful year at A Level, with 79 per cent of A level grades at A*-B, and an overall pass rate of 99.8 per cent. Despite a national context of falling numbers gaining the top grades, Cranleighans have maintained strong academic results with 47 per cent of A Level passes in the A*/A category and 79% at A*-B.
Director of Studies, Mr David Boggitt, says: “We are lucky to have a high staff to student ratio and we collaborate very well in the sixth form, with teachers, tutors, house staff and students all working closely together to achieve their best. “It’s fantastic to see the results of all that hard work. The students have really put in the effort and we’re happy to see them celebrating today.”
Nearly a quarter of students gained A* and A in three or more subjects and the following students all achieved three or more A* graded A Levels: Emily Hill, Clare Marsh, Will Palmer, Chris Paton and Jon Stocks.
The Headmaster, Martin Reader, is particularly pleased with the performance of the year group at the end of his first year: ‘These students had an excellent attitude to learning and have gained strong results whilst also managing to take the lead in a whole range of activities and enjoying their Sixth Form to the full. I know they will go on to be very successful.’
Most importantly, having collected their results the students are already focusing on their futures: ‘I got into Durham and I’m over the moon.’ Their passion for their subjects has not dulled either, ‘The exam was horrific, but I still love mathematics!’
The vast majority of A Level students have had their university places confirmed.
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