During last summer term IVth form Drama students worked towards their Bronze Level Arts Award, a new initiative delivered by the Drama department in a bid to get pupils thinking independently. This is a nationally recognised qualification run by Trinity College London offering Bronze to Gold Awards, similar to that of DofE but with emphasis on creative skills ranging from performance to Art and Design.
The students were tasked with producing a Theatre in Education performance aimed at a group of young children from the Prep School. Chosen skills ranged from acting, lighting design, costume design and set design. In groups they devised short performances based on a given Aesop’s fable. Alongside this students had to produce a portfolio in which they outlined the development of their chosen skill and also conducted independent research into an influential person within the dramatic industry. They also had to review productions they had seen and teach someone a new skill.
This was the first year the Drama department had offered this to IVth form students and we were thrilled to see such exceptional work which was really independently driven. The Arts Award showcase evening was a great success and the students were delighted to receive their certificates last week.
Emily Sinclair
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