The New Forest: 2nd-4th July
The Assessed Expedition at Silver level of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is supposed to be three days and two nights. It turned out that forty days and forty nights might have been more appropriate.
It rained. It rained a lot. Roads were flooded, paths were reduced to boggy torrents and campsites were flooded out. The eight groups and various Gold helpers and supervisors slogged on and I was impressed with how resolute everyone was, despite the relentless precipitation. However, it would be foolish to pretend that this was in anyway a pleasant experience for anyone and I fear that it will be a while before this cohort of Cranleighans comes back to the New Forests.
Everyone is to be congratulated on their fortitude, in particular the Sixth form helpers, who together with SDT, STP, PVP and HFRW kept things going. Particular thanks to GGB for all his efforts, not only with his half of the expedition, but with overseeing the “Admin” of the whole exercise.
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