From the moment they arrive, we know that our job is to prepare our students for life beyond Cranleigh. In the majority of cases, the first step is entry to a competitive university education in the UK, however we are supporting an increasing number of applications to colleges in the USA and around the world.
Our Approach
We are unwavering in our commitment to prepare our students for the next stage of their educational journey. This starts straight away, but as they progress through the school this takes a sharper, more targeted focus. Most choose to apply to UK universities via UCAS, and our expert team of advisors closely monitor the ever-evolving university admissions environment, however we raise awareness of other options, such as degree apprenticeships and studying overseas.
We start the UCAS application process in the Lower Sixth to allow pupils time to research subjects and courses and to prepare early – such as extending their reading and finding relevant work experience. In the Autumn term of Upper Sixth, we provide ongoing support as form applications are prepared. We strive to ensure every Cranleighan submits well ahead of external deadlines to maximise the chance of success.
Support is available throughout the summer, including on results day when help is on hand to those requiring the clearing process – either because they have missed an offer or performed far better than expected, and wish to try and ‘upgrade’ their university place.
I firmly believe that our team of Higher Education advisers is one of the best around. Our track record in helping students to achieve their substantial goals is outstanding, and I’m incredibly proud of the work we do.
UK University Destinations
Approximately 80% of Cranleighans take up a place at a Russell Group university every year. Durham, Exeter, Edinburgh and Bristol are by far the most popular destinations but we are increasingly seeing our students take up places at a much wider selection of universities. Courses have included everything from Medicine to Marketing and English Language to Economics.