In memory of Tildy Curran (1996-2010)

Friends of Tildy Curran (West ’09-’10) continue to carry her spirit on through a variety of adventures to support the work being…

Friends of Tildy Curran (West ’09-’10) continue to carry her spirit on through a variety of adventures to support the work being done by Tildy’s Trust, the charity she herself set up with her family when she was first diagnosed with Leukeamia, in 2008.

Specifically, in 2012/13, they helped the charity to raise the £25,000 needed to buy a state of the art ventilator for St George’s PICU where she spent the last days of her life.  This involved two major fund raising efforts: a mountain climb to the top of North Africa’s highest peak, Mt ToubkTildys Trust.presentaion.NEWS.jpgal, and an 18-mile canoe challenge from Guildford to Pyrford and back.

They were therefore delighted when Dr Martin Gray, who looked after Tildy at St George’s, was able to make time in his busy schedule to come to Cranleigh this week to explain to her year group what a difference the new ventilator has made to the unit. To see exactly what their efforts had produced was as inspirational as the courage Tildy herself showed in battling her illness.

Through all of its fund-raising efforts over the last two years, the school has raised in the region of £40,000 for Tildy’s Trust and her friends will no doubt be thinking of ways to help them reach their 2014 target which is to fund two day treatment areas for teenagers undergoing chemotherapy at Southampton General Hospital, which has a partnership with St Christopher’s in Chichester where Tildy also spent time during her treatment.  For further information visit


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