With 2014 well underway and mock exams safely negotiated, the Climbing Club had a sociable outing to Craggy Island at Sutton. This is a dedicated bouldering venue, so no ropes are involved and all the problems are relatively short, allowing numerous different climbs to be tackled in one day.
All seven climbers had a great time making the most of the different styles of problem available and were soon mixing with the regular locals, swapping tips and trading advice. Things were enlivened by a large bag of wasabi peanuts which had an eye opening (watering?) effect on the unwary. As ever there was a great atmosphere and lots of friendly advice and banter –it is always great to see the different year groups mixing so well.
By mid-afternoon arms were tired and fingers were sore so we pottered back to School in good time, with many problems proudly vanquished, but leaving a few challenges to be attempted again another day.
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