The Senior Maths Challenge held in November involved maths students from both sixth form years and over half the students who sat it received a gold, silver or bronze certificate. George Gloyens and Karthik Suresh scored highly enough to get through to the next round, the Senior Kangaroo, and they both managed to get the same score of 45 (although by answering different questions!) which netted them each a certificate of participation in addition to their gold certificates from the first round.
The Intermediate Maths Challenge was held in February and again more than half of the students who sat it received a gold, silver or bronze certificate and four of the students scored highly enough to get through to the next round. Ellie McAleese, Alasdair Johnston and Saskia Hogan all got through to the Kangaroo round and Tom Hollidge, still only in the L5th, managed to get through to the next level up, the Olympiad. Ellie, Alasdair and Saskia all did well in the Kangaroo and received certificates of participation in addition to their gold certificates from the previous round. Tom did very well in the Olympiad and managed to score 34 which netted him a certificate of merit, a key ring and a maths challenge booklet in addition to his gold certificate.
Let’s hope we are as successful in next year’s maths challenges.
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