El día de los muertos (The Day of the Dead) is a Mexican festival in which people commemorate their dead ancestors and relatives in a fiesta atmosphere. Usually this involves dressing up, eating and drinking with friends and family and setting up an ‘altar’ of flowers, fruit, bread and candles in case the spirit of any dead ancestors returns and is hungry. The festival has inspired countless works of art and literature.
For the first time at Cranleigh, AS and A2 pupils of Spanish organised a Day of the Dead party in Sra. Simpson’s classroom. Outfits were carefully selected and complemented by traditional ‘calavera’ (skull) face paint. The Lower Sixth treated us to some poetry recitals from Julie Sopetrán, and the Upper Sixth presented aspects of Mexico and Mexican life and culture with PowerPoint presentations ranging from Freida Kahlo and Laura
Esquivel to Mexican tourism. Overall the pupils enjoyed this opportunity to explore an aspect of Hispanic Culture and to present their findings to their peers and Spanish teachers.
Angharad Simpson, Head of Spanish
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