As soon as GCSEs were finished four intrepid groups of UVth Cranleighans set off for the New Forest to complete their Duke of Edingburgh Silver Assessed Expedition. The weather was typical of an English Summer (i.e. “mixed”) and it was impossible to walk for more than ten minutes through the Forest without tripping over another D of E group – many of the car parks looked like D of E Assessor conventions.
Nonetheless all the groups had a great time and improved significantly over the course of the expedition, developing their teamwork and the reliability of their navigation, over what can be surprisingly tricky terrain. Many participants were surprised by how tough they found it, but were similarly pleased with themselves for having completed. Hopefully, the memories of sore feet and endless porridge will fade, leaving just the images of deer, ponies and wonderful scenery.
Many thanks to Mr Gordon Bryant for organising the expedition and to all the staff who came out to help supervise the groups and ensure they had a safe as well as enjoyable time
Dr Simon AH Young
Head of Outdoor Education
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