Zambia – Phase 1

Following our 24 hour trip to Zambia we were warmly welcomed by Renwick and his iconic “Pentecostal bus of holiness”. We arrived…

Following our 24 hour trip to Zambia we were warmly welcomed by Renwick and his iconic “Pentecostal bus of holiness”. We arrived at Castle Lodge, Ndola, in the evening and quickly settled into our rooms.  Everybody scoffed down their first Zambian meal and before bedtime Charlie F enjoyed a quick (impromptu) dip in the lodge swimming pool. For Easter celebrations we headed to Janna Community School for a church service at the Fountain of Love church. We were lucky enough to listen to the local choirs perform their Bemba songs and we were not shy to get involved. The choir and teachers taught us a Zambian song for us to perform to the Kawama children the following Sunday. Tom stepped up to the soloist spot to lead us in ‘Takwaba’ with his Marius-esque voice. We picked up the actions and tune pretty rapidly, also with a march to do on entrance. Janna provided us with a delicious lunch where we ate Zambian enshima, chicken and cabbage and the staff showed us how you eat with your hands.  After lunch we split up into groups of girls and boys; the boys played football against Janna school and lost 1-0 thanks to Charlie F’s tragic attempt at scoring an open goal. The girls were taught a variety of games and songs and mingled with them sharing their lives and experiences.


It was an early start on Tuesday (Ben’s birthday) at Nsobe Game Park. In the morning one group went on a game drive and spotted a giraffe, zebras and impalas, whilst the other group held some pretty decent mambas and Tom’s eyebrow was plucked by Maxwell the owl. We all re-joined for a tour of the farm, where we were lucky enough to witness the life of a pig ‘from conception to death’ (quote Rev Lewis).  After a romantic lunch by the lake, co-founders Fiona and Mark introduced us to Nsobe Trust School, and on our arrival the children performed the songs ‘Making Melodies’ and ‘Oo-le-le’ which went down a treat with us. Our last night at the game park ended with a cheeky dance to Mark’s own produced music and some star-gazing and deep contemplation.


On our journey to Kitwe both students and teachers (especially Miss Sturdee) enjoyed some 90’s classics from Rich’s playlist. We settled into the Town House Lodge which will be our home for the remaining part of the trip. Jodie took us to Kawama Community School and we were greeted by the children who were more than pleased to see us, to say the least!! At the school we helped prepare for a new part of the curriculum which consisted of teaching the children how to weave. All of us got involved in cutting and measuring the material and organising it for the next day. Soon it was time for supper back at the Town House. The competitive card games began with Max calling a 1 in a game of cheat and Will falling off his chair in his usual graceful manner.

Tomorrow we are looking forward to working in our small groups alongside the Kawama teachers in the classroom.

Written by Christi Radkiewicz & Millie Delaney

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