We’re celebrating another excellent set of Extended Project Qualification results. Our Year 11 pupils who’ll miss out on GCSEs, will also be starting their own EPQs early.
Most Sixth Formers at Cranleigh take an EPQ alongside studying for three A Levels. This year’s results were outstanding, with 81% of all EPQs graded at A*-B.
The qualification asks students to undertake a longer piece of research culminating in a dissertation style essay or the production of an artefact. It’s now widely used as a preparation for university learning by schools and sixth form centres across the country.
“We were delighted with the response this year and the results were well deserved. Students made good use of the performance and artefact units and produced some outstanding quality creative work, including a spectacular fashion and photography show as well as thought provoking art and design projects.” Examples of these projects can be viewed here.
Examiners praise the EPQ for helping students to develop their skills in independent research and guide them into higher education. As an in-depth, autonomous piece of work that hones creative thinking skills, it’s also the perfect solution for Year 11 pupils who have missed out on GCSEs this summer.
Whilst we continue with remote learning for both those year groups, and will support all pupils through the grading system and prepare them for taking exams as necessary in September, the EPQ is the perfect preparation for Year 11s that will start Sixth Form in September. This year group were the first to take the Philosophy Certificate so they are already familiar with extended projects. Students will be supported through the process of choosing their project, planning the research and creating a pilot EPQ during the Summer term.
At the same time they will undertake some bridging the gap A Level courses to keep them focused on academics as well as being good grounding for the rigours of A Level work.
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