Philip Scriven welcomed nearly thirty listeners to the latest concert in his complete Bach Organ Works series on the Mander organ. Some organ buffs had travelled many miles to hear what Phil can do with this marvellous instrument and in the final Allabreve in D major he almost literally pulled out all the stops to display the organ’s sonority and power. This piece ended a selection of miscellaneous compositions which followed the Six Schübler Chorales, beginning with the well-loved ‘Wachet Auf!’
As Phil said, it was good to see petople coming so far in such damp, chilly weather and readers are reminded that all are welcome on Tuesdays (alternating 1.10pm starts, as on November 15th, with 12.30pm starts: admission is free). The next four concerts contain wonderful Advent and Christmas music but I advise potential listeners to wear a warm coat!
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