• 20 August 2012

CCF Summer Camp

CCF Camp 2012 was held at Penally Camp in West Wales near Tenby. The cadets took part in a number of fun…

CCF Camp 2012 was held at Penally Camp in West Wales near Tenby. The cadets took part in a number of fun activities varying from navigation to climbing and canoeing to raft building. At every stage they received excellent instruction from regular army instructors including a Welsh guardsman who had won the DSO in Afghanistan! The week was interesting for the Cranleighans in that they were paired with a school from Derby. An inner-city comprehensive that is currently being converted to an academy, which meant there were some interesting boys and girls that the Cranleigh pupils had to interact with.

The camp concluded with a 24 hour exercise on Pembrey Sands right next door to an RAF live firing area. The highlight was for the night patrol that was detailed to observe the live firing area and they witnessed Merlin attack helicopters night firing chain gun tracer at targets less than half a mile away.  The 7 departing UVI were outstanding, inspiringly led by CSM Ben Durston. Having contributed enormously to the Corps over the last 4 years, they will be missed. Ben, QMSI Ali Young and SSgt Hugo Moxey were deservedly awarded their CCF ties.


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