On Monday evening Natasha Devon, co-founder of BodyGossip, a charity that aims through Arts and Education to ‘empower everybody to be the best version of themselves and rock their own brand of gorgeous’, spoke to the 4th form and L6th girls on the topic on ‘Love the skin you’re in’.
Natasha has spoken to over 30,000 students on this topic and writes regularly for the Sun, Cosmopolitan Magazine and the Independent Online. She can be seen also on This Morning and Sky News, commenting on body image, feminism and education. In 2012 the BodyGossip campaign let to her being vote Cosmopolitan Ultimate Women of the Year.
The talk was extremely well received by both year groups and through a combination of her own experience and energy she gave tools to them to help to navigate the worlds of internet, media, fashion and beauty on their terms and to recognise their potential.
Alex Forsdyke
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