We are pleased to announce the Upper Sixth EPQ results from the January award series.
Grades January 2024
A* 15%
A*-A 43%
A*-B 73%
A*-C 88%
A*-D 94%
A*-E 95%
This was our largest ever cohort (115 students). There are strong results at the upper end of the range with 50 students from the Upper Sixth gaining an A or A* and nearly three quarters in the A* – B range. Research (see here) shows that there is an association between successful performance with EPQ and success at higher education level. The value of EPQ lies not just in the grade outcomes but also in the experience of developing as an independent, self-directed learner.
Nationally and internationally the qualification is poised for further growth. Dr Taylor spoke at the Manchester ‘Rethinking Assessment’ conference on March 18th, along with this HMC blog. He is in Shanghai and Hong Kong for schools training and university liaison during the Easter holidays.