
Effective use of computers and information technology is embedded throughout the School and supported by every pupil being issued with an iPad. For those wishing to study more deeply how computers work, we offer the iGCSE in Information and Communication Technology in addition to a 2-year AS level in Computer Science.

Studying for an AS in Computer Science will help develop a range of skills that will help you to participate in and drive forward an increasingly computer-driven world. This course explores the world of algorithms, data and computational thinking to enable you to understand not only current technology, but an unknown technological future around the corner.

Becoming literate in how the technical world works is equivalent to reading, writing and maths. We need to look at this fourth literacy as mainstream. If you don’t really understand how the digital world functions you’re really living in a world where you don’t have the creative and innovation skills that are going to be needed in the future economy.

Mark Surman, Executive Director of the Mozilla Foundation

Lower School

Upper School

Trips and Events

Previous trips have included visits to the National History of Computing museum at Bletchley park

Head of Computing

David Futcher

Assistant Head Digital Strategy

Steer Champion School Logo Awarded to Cranleigh School in Surrey
Education Choices Award Finalist 2024
Steer Champion School Logo Awarded to Cranleigh School in Surrey