National Youth Theatre and International Student Drama Festival successes for Cranleighans

Each year a number of Cranleigh students audition for a place with the prestigious National Youth Theatre (NYT). All auditionees worked hard…

Each year a number of Cranleigh students audition for a place with the prestigious National Youth Theatre (NYT). All auditionees worked hard preparing a monologue piece as well as working on their ensemble workshop. This year congratulations go to Cameron Scheijde (IV, Cubitt), who will be participating in the two week course this summer and hopefully go on to become part of the NYT Ensemble.

In addition to the acting courses, NYT also offers training courses in the four main technical theatre disciplines: Lighting, Sound, Stage Management and Scenic Construction.  Applicants are interviewed and are asked to submit a portfolio. Anna Forrester (UV, South) has been given a place on the Lighting & Sound course this summer and will form part of the production team for NYT shows this year.

Separate to NYT is the International Student Drama Festival, which takes place in Sheffield in June. Twenty student plays from around the world (including Japan, Iran, Zimbabwe and the USA) will be performed at venues around Sheffield including the Crucible Theatre. Robbie Matthews (UV, North) is joining the Technical Crew to work on the Festival and receive training from industry professionals.


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