This term’s Tom Avery Lecture was a presentation on this summer’s School Expedition to China. Mr Andrew Griffiths started the evening with a report covering many of the geographical points of interest that had been encountered on the month long trip, slanting his talk to the many A level Geographers in the audience. Dr Simon Young then used a huge number of slides to illustrate what the groups had actually achieved during their travels, on their volunteering and project phases, the 5000m mountains they had climbed and the wonderful cultural experiences they had encountered. The session concluded with some of the participants lucidly explaining what they had got out of the experience and regaling the audience with a selection of their more memorable moments.
It was a particular pleasure that the large audience included Mr Ash St John-Claire, Mr John Carr and Dr Phil Rowsell who had been with the groups in China and had all been instrumental in making the expedition such a success.
We look forward to seeing everyone back for next term’s lecture by Mr Matt Dickinson who will be talking about “Film Making in Antarctica”.
Dr Simon Young
Head of Outdoor Education