Fourth Formers Rise to the Chocolate Challenge

On Tuesday afternoon the Speech Hall was bursting with newly formed confectionary companies, their Managing Directors along with Marketing and Sales Managers….

On Tuesday afternoon the Speech Hall was bursting with newly formed confectionary companies, their Managing Directors20150120-_DSC7105 along with Marketing and Sales Managers. The Brand Managers had the difficult task of selecting appropriate packaging materials, ensuring that their chocolates were marketed well to their chosen customer base. The Financial Directors kept a close eye on the outgoings at all times to ensure that the spending did not get out of control, whilst the Production Managers organised and managed the packaging process, keeping a close eye on the clock.

Each aspiring company had to conduct a three minute presentation, show their advert and explain how each team member made their contribution, not easy in front of a panel of judges and 120 of your peers. Throughout the afternoon the fourth formers developed their leadership, communication, creativity, financial and organisational skills, all vital employability skills that recruiters are looking for in potential employees.

Well done to, ‘Pop n Go’ whose confectionary products could be gracing our supermarket shelves in the near future.

Amanda Reader

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