A select audience was treated to a wonderful lecture by Chris Cope about his journey to the North Pole to raise awareness of and funds for Muscular Dystrophy. Instead of a straightforward diary-style presentation, Chris spent most of the his time explaining the difficulties (and dangers) of living and travelling on a moving ice sheet as it slides around the Arctic Ocean at -30 oC. Thought provoking to say the least!
He concluded with a powerful description of helping his friend with Muscular Dystrophy walk the last 150m to the pole, symbolising all the young men and boys suffering from this debilitating genetic disease. Normally wheelchair bound, by huge effort and great willpower, he made the walk from the helicopter to the pole on his own two feet, an effort comparable to Chris’s entire journey across the ice.
As usual there were plenty of informal questions after the talk from many armchair explorers and would be Arctic adventurers. Many thanks to Chris for coming down and sharing his experiences with us – a most memorable evening.
Dr SAH Young
Head of Outdoor Education