Kawama Day 6 – We had a later start to the day and had breakfast at 8:00 am rather than the usual 7:00am. Before heading to church, we had our last practice rendition of Nsangalale (‘we rejoice’). The church service started at 10:00 am and the most memorable moment of the service was when we had to sing Nsangalale in front of the Kawama staff, Beyond Ourselves crew and locals in the Kawama area. We had practised hard and it was a fabulous moment. We absolutely bossed it! The congregation were really supportive of our singing and they showed this by standing up and joining us in the clapping. Some ran up to us waving chitenge and cheering as we sang.
Jodie’s sermon also had a great impact on us as it was genuinely captivating even for those of us who aren’t practising Christians. She spoke so powerfully about the story of David and Bathsheeba, her passion shining through – a passion which we were all in awe of. In her sermon, Jodie placed great emphasis on how, whilst he was a man after God’s own heart, he made many mistakes. Unlike most people his mistakes have been recorded for us all to see, which gives us an opportunity to prevent ourselves repeating such errors. We were deeply touched by her sermon.
After the church service, we headed to Greater Joy School for the clothes sale. As soon as the doors to the church opened, an overwhelming wave of local residents flooded in. The clothes sold extremely rapidly, showing just how much your contributions were appreciated. It was a chaotic experience, but onewe will definitely remember fondly. In total we raised roughly 7500 Kwacha (approximately £800); a complete success!
Kamsi and Amber
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