Young Enterprise Mid-Session Report

For the 2011-12 Young Enterprise season Cranleigh again has three LVI companies involved, involving almost forty pupils. The learning curve of building…

For the 2011-12 Young Enterprise season Cranleigh again has three LVI companies involved, involving almost forty pupils. The learning curve of building a team, choosing a name, creating share capital, choosing goods or services to sell and building a brand, has been under way since late September. On a Monday afternoon two groups meet: ‘Calibre’ chaired by Alex Foster have sourced  ‘Smelly Bands’ to appeal to the younger age bracket, and have also developed a business selling teas and coffees to match attendees on Saturdays. Following representation from all companies at the Avaya HQ Marketing Workshop they entered the ‘Dragon’s Den’ competition at the Guildhall in October and acquitted themselves well.

The second Monday group, ‘Constellation’, chaired by Maddie Austin, have two main products: attractive pyjamas branded with House logos, and pens with a retractable school timetable component. Three members of the team attended a recent ‘Y Factor’ evening in Guildford to put their products on display and learn the art of trade fair representation.

‘Finesse’, the third company meets on a Tuesday or Thursday. Driven by Will Slynn and Henry Crinage, the team have been negotiating discounts with Cranleigh Retailers, and are in the middle of a big push to sell their successful Discount Loyalty Cards. The school has valued the support and input of YE business advisers Lesley Thomas, Lynne Skinner and Colin Swait, and for the second year running now looks forward to hosting the SW Surrey Regional Event on March 14th in the Emms Centre.



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