New Mander Organ CD released

The first professional CD on the new Mander organ in Chapel has been released. Recorded by Philip Scriven, Cranleigh’s Organist in Residence,…

The first professional CD on the new Mander organ in Chapel has been released. Recorded by Philip Scriven, Cranleigh’s Organist in Residence, it includes music in a wide variety of styles and periods, showing off how versatile the instrument is.

Philip, one of the UK’s most distinguished organists, recorded the CD back in April with Regent Records. It caps off a remarkable first couple of years for Cranleigh’s Mander Organ, with Philip’s 26 concert series taking in the complete Bach Organ works in 2011-2012, whilst he is mid-way through seven 2012-3 organ recitals in which he will play the complete organ works of Mendelssohn, Brahms and Schumann.

CDs are priced at £10 and are available from both the School Shop (01483 542102) and the Music Office (01483 542009)

Bach Fantasia and Fugue in G Minor (The “Great”), BWV 542
Chorale Prelude: “O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß”, BWV 622
Tomkins Voluntary in A minor
Clerambault Recits de Cromorne et de Cornet Separe
Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux (Suite du Premier Ton)
Warlock Capriol Suite
Barraine Prelude and Fugue
Nystedt, K Exultate
Kint, Cor Andante
Locklair Rubrics (A Liturgical Suite for Organ)
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