Over the Christmas break a group of VIth Form History and Politics students embarked on a five day trip to Washington DC. Braced for the frosty weather usually seen in North America at this time of year, the group enjoyed unseasonably mild if gloomy conditions as we toured the Capital of the United States.
Over two days the group enjoyed a walking tour of the main sights including the Washington Monument, the White House and the Vietnam, Korea and Lincoln Memorials. The group was fortunate enough to be able to secure a guided tour of both the Capitol Building, including sitting in the House of Representatives, and the Pentagon. Students were treated to a tour of the highly secure building, which houses the Department of Defence, by an Honour Guard trained to take the entire tour marching backwards so as to be able to watch the group at all times!
In amongst all this the group found time to visit the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, the United States Holocaust Museum, Ford’s Theatre (where Lincoln was assassinated) and the National Archives (displaying the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States). Though very much a whistle-stop tour the visit proved both enjoyable and educational. I would like to thank Tim and Sandi McConnell-Wood for all their help accompanying the trip.
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