The Sixth Form Purvis Society was delighted to welcome Mr Guy Waller to deliver the last of the term’s Sixth Form talks. Taking as his theme “The real Lord of the Rings; myths with music and pictures”, Mr Waller proceeded to entertain his large audience with a clear explanation of the complex plot behind the four operas (far too massive to report on here!), reminding the audience of events in world history at the time the story was written and, occasionally, relating aspects of the tale to modern times and the foibles of some of the main characters: innocence (Siegfried); ruthlessness (Wotan); stubbornness (Mime), and the over-riding part played by love. Arthur Rackham’s extraordinary paintings were used to illustrate the tale and all was supported by a significant number of carefully chosen excerpts from the work which not only helped to paint the picture and support the story (we were urged to listen to the music behind the voices as much as to the voices themselves) but also clearly demonstrated Wagner’s mastery of the genre. The Director of Music, Mr Marcus Pashley, gave a vote of thanks and the evening was rounded off by a formal dinner in Hall prepared, as always, by our excellent Executive Chef, Jon Smith.