On a crisp Sunday morning in the month of March, 2014, a medley of emotions were displayed from the four sides of the Loveday quad after it occupants had been woken up at 6:20am for the start of a busy morning of cycling. Despite some vexations regarding the early start, the majestic smell of bacon drifted into the corridors and Loveday was ready to begin the 2014 charity cycle.
The route for the cycle ride stretched a total of 15km and to have over 100 boys, teachers and parents (many in fancy dress), cycle from start to finish was a fantastic undertaking. Aching legs and backsides galore, the ride resolved in a hearty barbecue in the Loveday quad; this was an apt way to celebrate the end of the challenge. Many thanks go to all the people involved: to Mr Wilson for cooking bacon and burgers for the whole house at a time in the morning that makes us all tired just thinking about it. To the matrons and marshals for guiding the weary cyclists and providing refreshments along the way, as well as the teachers and parents who took part in making the day so special. Thank you to Mr Logan, Mr Welch and the Loveday charity committee for organizing the event, marking the route and solving the logistics of the day. But most of all to the parents, grandparents, friends and all of the people who donated to the four fantastic charities: on behalf of the whole house, thank you.
Money was being raised for charities with close ties to Loveday: EnKi, Beyond Ouselves, Surrey Young Carers and Tildy’s Trust. Through the hard work of the whole house community the combined total raised on the day (including Gift Aid) was a remarkable £8,377.00. Certainly a Loveday record and probably a school one.
Nick Edwards (U6th)
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