Forging Links with Poland

The Headmaster, Martin Reader, visited Warsaw last weekend to interview potential Scholars for the British Alumni Society, a scheme which places outstanding Polish…


The Headmaster, Martin Reader, visited Warsaw last weekend to interview potential Scholars for the British Alumni Society, a scheme which places outstanding Polish students who require scholarship support to further their education in British schools and overseas universities in the hope they will be leaders in Polish society and forge closer links between nations.

Scholars have been coming to Cranleigh for the last three years. Pictured at the British Ambassador’s reception are former scholar, Kate Sowa (South 2014); Martin Reader; the British Ambassador to Poland; Marzena Reich, Secretary to the BAS, and current scholar Jakub B Bartoszewski (East U6th).

Current scholars, Jakub and Matylda Buczkowska (West L6th) are having an impact already. Jakub, a fine organist, won the Helen Wareham Keyboard Competition last year, plays regularly in Chapel and has also won a scholarship to New York University Abu Dhabi to read engineering. Matylda’s origami concept led to the Young Enterprise team, Ori Ori, winning the West Surrey final for the first time. We look forward to meeting next year’s scholar, a top mathematician who is another pianist and organist.

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