The 2016 Dashwood Keyboard Performance provided yet another stunning array of Cranleigh’s finest talents. The setting this time was the chapel, with Krzysztof Widera playing complex and skilful counterpoint on the organ. This marvellous instrument was matched by the Steinway piano played by the rest of the performers. Kate Wili crafted her Grieg beautifully, with deft fingerwork. Reuben Gray created an electric atmosphere with his Gershwin and Ben Wili showed excellent mastery of the instrument with his Howard Ferguson Bagatelles.
In the senior section, Freddie Hawes made a most beautiful sound on the instrument with his Poulenc and Jonny Marsh displayed the vibrant rhythms of the Khachaturian toccata. Krzysztof returned to round off the evening with his very colourful Brahms, ending another varied and entertaining competition.