Well that was a turn up for the books! Most of our training is focused on how to navigate in gnarly low visibility conditions, how to keep kit and people dry in driving rain and how to avoid exposure in the soft “liquid sunshine” so often bestowed upon us by the Welsh weather. This time however it was warm – very warm! All the teams coped well though; extra water was carried, sunscreen was liberally applied and re-applied and a range of fashionable (?) head gear was sported.
Early starts were the order of the day, allowing the teams to get up high and catch what breeze was available before the noontide heat kicked in. A few routes were modified to give a little more shade; closer supervision and more water re-supply opportunities. One good thing was that even in such scorching conditions, there were plenty of streams and pools to cool off in and give hot feet a refreshing rinse.
A change is as good as a rest they say, so as temperatures dropped in the evenings the midges came out to play and offered our intrepid expeditioners a new, exciting, source of irritation. Experience soon taught the wisdom of pitching camp to catch any breeze that was going and that breakfast could be eaten en route to avoid becoming breakfast oneself.
Well done to the team members who all successfully completed their expedition in such challenging conditions. Many thanks to Ash St John Claire for acting as assessor, as well as provider of cookies and ice creams, and to Mrs Bukowska for helping ferry and supervise the groups.
All that remains now is to wash a few pairs of rather fruity socks, get the post-expedition paperwork sorted and for everyone to remember not to scratch those bites!
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