Classicists Enjoy Imperium

On the final day of the Michaelmas term, a small group of Classicists were treated to a spectacular performance of Imperium at…

On the final day of the Michaelmas term, a small group of Classicists were treated to a spectacular performance of Imperium at the Royal Shakespeare Company, in Stratford-upon-Avon.The RSC had adapted the worldwide bestseller for stage for the first time.

The story tells of the famous Roman orator, Cicero, from the accounts of his loyal assistant and friend Tiro, who accompanied the novus homo through his rise to prominence in the Roman political arena as lawyer, senator and consul.

The tale divulges the complex workings of Roman politics; the conspiracies, alliances, murders, in addition to the numerous obstacles to his own personal safety, before ultimately his exile.

This play was a wonderful adaptation of Robert Harris’ work, which seamlessly brought in humour and contemporary political allusions which, in addition to the already incredible plot, made this a truly spectacular show!

It was a great privilege to see the enthusiasm and enjoyment of all the students in attendance, and we wait to see if they made it onto the RSC website having been interviewed by their own media team!

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