We are just back from a glorious Assessed Expedition in the local Surrey Hills. Twelve separate Bronze teams were on the ground staying at three different locations – something of a logistical and staffing challenge. We are so lucky to be able to just walk out of School, enjoy a bimble through the woods and over the hills, spend a night in a field courtesy of one of several benevolent local well-wishers and then potter back to Cranleigh.
The weather was glorious and the groups were all on great form, with everyone pulling together, sharing the tasks out and generally being really supportive of each other. Navigation was perhaps not perfect (is it ever?), but no one got catastrophically lost. It was a genuine please to be out with the teams, with such a positive buzz radiating from all the groups.
I do hope that the positive experience most of the participants had will spur them on to further exploits and the Silver Award. For the minority of “Thus far, but no further…” types they will be able to look back with a real sense of achievement at what they have already achieved.
Many thanks to all the willing staff who turned out to keep everyone safe and sound, and in particular to Miss Baily for masterminding the operation.
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