Reflections from Zambia – a year on

The Zambia 2020 team were due to have embarked on their trip over October half term. Unfortunately, like so many things, we…

The Zambia 2020 team were due to have embarked on their trip over October half term. Unfortunately, like so many things, we had to cancel the trip, although we hope those students will be able to visit in 2021. In the meantime, 3 students who went on last year’s trip have taken time to reflect on their experiences.

‘Zambia simultaneously feels like a lifetime but also just a moment ago. Those 10 days a year ago have completely altered my perception on not only the life I am living but on the life I want to live. A life full of gratefulness and thankfulness. One full of appreciation, in particular for all the little things that nearly always go unnoticed, like food on the table or a bed to sleep on at night. We were all extremely excited about the opportunity beforehand, but I think none of us really knew just how impactful and different such a trip was going to be. During the trip, each day, we took a moment to sit and reflect on some of the events that stood out to us the most. During these reflections, there were always ideas on how we could alter our lives to embrace some of the things we had learnt. In practice, I doubt many of us have particularly stood by the promises of using our phones less but we definitely have a greater understanding for the amazing lives that we live and to be grateful for that. Although the culture we experienced out there is so incredibly different, the things we experienced will stay with us for life.’ Nathanael B.

‘My time in Zambia was one of the most incredible experiences, which I will take with me forever. My friends and I were introduced to a beautiful community of love, gratitude and joy. I was mesmerised by everyone I met. I learnt a lot about the Zambian culture and in my own life I have tried to incorporate the gratitude and love they taught. I will always cherish my memories from visiting Zambia last year.’ Katie B.

‘It has now been a year since I’ve returned from Zambia and I’m not shocked at all how much things still very much resonate with me. Whilst there we wrote a ‘note to self’ as a way of being able to reflect when we return. After reading that recently it’s amazing how clearly I remember things. Something that I was truly inspired by when I was out there was the emotional strength of the people we met. Things can be hard when living in the situations they do but you never hear them complain about it. Since returning I have been able to really recognise the privilege that I have.’ Cameron R.

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