Yesterday our Fourth and Lower Fifth form pupils were treated to a talk from Mrs Jo Wimble-Groves, a self-proclaimed accidental entrepreneur with 27 years’ experience in the male dominated STEM industry and author of Rise of the Girl. Mrs Wimble-Groves told the story of her career in technology, working with her brother, the impressive client list her company celebrates and the lessons she has learned from her own children. She left pupils with four areas to think about
- What is right with you?
- Redefine criticism
- Focus on your strengths
- Put your hand up
Every child has a fire waiting to be lit
– Mrs Jo Wimble-Groves
Mrs Wimble-Groves later gave a talk to parents focussing the empowering conversations to have with girls that she discusses in her book. Mrs Wimble-Groves also talked about the afternoon session and what was tackled including the energising questions from the pupils. Following Mrs Wimble-Groves’ talk she sat down for a Q&A with Dr Andrea Saxel, Assistant Head (Pastoral). They discussed the challenges faced by teenagers, that it is never too late to open the lines of communication with teenagers and the complex obstacles faced by boys and girls today. Parents then asked Mrs Wimble-Groves and Dr Saxel questions relating to specific issues including social media and friendship problems.
We would like to thank Mrs Wimble-Groves for her time and we hope to welcome her back to Cranleigh soon.
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